Cinema Blogs on Vision Beauty

In this collection of critics of cinema, the editors investigate the complex interplay between art and culture by revealing the various ways the cinematic story can (movies link) mirror as well as challenge our views of the world.Sites with Similar ContentZombie MoviesFriday the 13th 2009 Movie ReviewIT (2017)Con AirWishmaster The Prophecy Fulfille

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Planet of the Apes (2001) Movie Review

After nearly 30 years of no planet, and no apes - Fox decided to bring the series back with the help of Tim Burton and Mark Wahlburg. However, critical reaction to the film was so bad, Fox pulled the plug on the planned sequels. Was there more to this horror movies film than we saw, or did those maniacs (blog post) finally really do it? Did (blog

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Halloween H20 Movie Review

Released 20 years after the original Halloween, a fact that they never EVER let you forget, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later is Halloween's return after the slasher genre revival of the late 90s. As such, while it IS a Halloween movie, has Michael Myers and even Laurie Strode in it... it does (blog post) come off like most of the feel of the movie w

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About Us

When we established this blog years ago, we wanted to chat about obscure, hilariously terrible, or wonderful films. It now covers every cinematic issue, no matter how little, expanding its scope.These are just a few of the many websites you can visitRetro Cinema SpecialsGross MistakesHonor cult film historyLampsXploitedcinema

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